Limited Liability Company (LLC)
What is an LLC?
An LLC (Limited Liability Company) is a commercial vehicle that will allow you to classify your business as a separate entity personally from you. This will allow you to keep your personal assets separate from the company’s assets and protect them from the company’s debts and obligations.With LLCs, you can open bank accounts, sign contracts, hire employees, obtain licenses and permits, and even start a commercial business in the United States of America.
At QuickStart we offer you a comprehensive service so you can create your company in the United States of America, without leaving your home.
Company Name Search
State LLC Creation Fees
Operating Agreement Standard
Registered Agent Services
Constitution Document
Tax Identification Number (EIN)
Support by email and phone
The entire process is done online
$59 monthly
Company Name Search
State LLC Creation Fees
Operating Agreement Standard
Permanent Registered Agent services
Constitution Document
Tax Identification Number (EIN)
Support by email and phone
The entire process is done online
Preparation and presentation of annual reports to the State
Do you want to create your company in another state?
Advantages of Creating an LLC in the United States of America
There are no restrictions regarding the number of members allowed. You do not have to be a Resident (Green Card) or an American Citizen to create an LLC. The Operating agreement (Partners Agreement) decides how the business will be managed.
In the event that the LLC (i) has no activities of any kind in the USA (having a bank account is not considered an activity), and (ii) its members are not tax residents of USA, the members may be exempt from paying taxes in USA.
The liability of the members of the LLC is generally limited to the assets that each member has invested.
LLC's enjoy a single level of pass through taxation, where members report and pay their share of the profits and losses of the LLC on their individual tax returns, that is, no tax is paid at the level of the company. However, the LLC has to file its tax return (unpaid).
LLCs can be managed directly by their members (Member-Managed) or by Managers (Manager-Managed). These people will have the power to manage the day-to-day operations of the company.
Having an LLC will allow you to open a corporate account for you to manage your company's funds.
QuickStart LLC
Contact us
Address: 150 Central Park Square, Suite #2
Los Alamos NM 87544
Phone: +1 (305) 600 0960